Getting pregnant can be exciting, for some women it can be a distress. Often getting pregnant is just so natural that it did not occur to most people that preconception cleansing is essential. Neither nor they know that pregnancy is actually a process of detoxification. Here are 6 reasons why you need to know about preconception health and why our body needs preconception cleansing.
1. Pregnancy is a process of detoxification
Have you wondered why women must past the first trimester to be confirmed that her pregnancy continues? When a woman found out she is pregnant, she may experience a sign of morning sickness as early as 6th weeks in her pregnancy. Morning sickness such as vomiting and nausea are signs of natural physiological changes enabling the removal of the toxin from the woman’s body commonly occur during the first trimester. Detoxification takes place more intensely during this period so that the womb can provide a safer place to nurture the little life.
The body is intelligent. It does what is necessary to protect both the expectant mum and the baby. Should the woman’s health is deemed not fit to nurture this baby, pregnancy will be terminated, miscarriage occurs. If pregnancy happens to continue despite a poor nurturing environment, baby’s development may be compromised. Healthy couples give birth to a healthy baby. Preeclampsia happens to women with the underlying health condition. Wonder why some women experience swollen feet, excess protein in their urine and high blood pressure during pregnancy, others don’t?
2. Possibly to Prevent Birth Defects
Birth Defects are broadly defined as functional and metabolic disorders that although present but may not necessarily recognisable at birth. Birth defects cause physical and mental disability. Birth defects severely impact the quality of life of the children and their mobility some can be fatal. The causes of birth defects may be due to genetic when one or more genes do not work properly or a part of the genes is missing.