Getting pregnant can be exciting, for some women it can be a distress. Often getting pregnant is just so natural that it did not occur to most people that preconception cleansing is essential. Neither nor they know that pregnancy is actually a process of detoxification. Here are 6 reasons why you need to know about preconception health and why our body needs preconception cleansing.
1. Pregnancy is a process of detoxification
Have you wondered why women must past the first trimester to be confirmed that her pregnancy continues? When a woman found out she is pregnant, she may experience a sign of morning sickness as early as 6th weeks in her pregnancy. Morning sickness such as vomiting and nausea are signs of natural physiological changes enabling the removal of the toxin from the woman’s body commonly occur during the first trimester. Detoxification takes place more intensely during this period so that the womb can provide a safer place to nurture the little life.
The body is intelligent. It does what is necessary to protect both the expectant mum and the baby. Should the woman’s health is deemed not fit to nurture this baby, pregnancy will be terminated, miscarriage occurs. If pregnancy happens to continue despite a poor nurturing environment, baby’s development may be compromised. Healthy couples give birth to a healthy baby. Preeclampsia happens to women with the underlying health condition. Wonder why some women experience swollen feet, excess protein in their urine and high blood pressure during pregnancy, others don’t?
2. Possibly to Prevent Birth Defects
Birth Defects are broadly defined as functional and metabolic disorders that although present but may not necessarily recognisable at birth. Birth defects cause physical and mental disability. Birth defects severely impact the quality of life of the children and their mobility some can be fatal. The causes of birth defects may be due to genetic when one or more genes do not work properly or a part of the genes is missing.
Others are environmental factors that the pregnant lady is exposed to such as rubella and German measles, using drugs, smoking, alcohol during pregnancy or a combination of all the above factors.
Common birth defects are
Cleft lip or cleft palate, not life-threatening but it can destroy the child’s self-esteem
Heart defects such as missing or misshape valve may require surgery
Neural tube defect such as spina bifida that develops during the first weeks of pregnancy, others are porencephaly and hydranencephaly develop later in pregnancy.
Other defects are sensory problems such as weak eyesight, blindness, deafness,
Nervous system and brain damage in a mild case may cause mental retardation, autism, down syndrome,
Metabolic disorder such as hypothyroidism
Musculoskeletal disorder-limbs and joints can be missing or deform, club foot or hand defects
Urinary system – hydronephrosis, hypospadias, obstructive defects of the renal agenesis and many others…
3. Increase Chance of Fertility for the Childless and Prevent Miscarriage
Infertility is the inability of a man or a woman contributes to conception, also refers to the state of a woman miscarries during pregnancy. See also Infertility-Nature’s Way of Protecting the Human Race. According to Dr Sheila Loh, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Raffles Hospital. Age is the main factor of infertility especially for women over age 35. 5-10 percents of women in the reproductive age suffered from polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) either woman has irregular or no menstrual period.
Another common cause of infertile is endometriosis, where the outside of the uterus has cell-growth that should be on the inside. This is common in older women. Men over 40 also have a lower level of the male hormone, which result in poorer quality sperm.
So, what do these factors telling us? Dr Lynn Tan, a Naturopathy doctor believes infertility is the result of toxaemia and nutritional deficiency much like other modern chronic illnesses. When age is the contributing factor then our health conditions determine whether we can bear a child or rather a healthy child.
4. Healthier Body for Healthier Baby
Baby’s health is determined by both the couple’s health condition at the time of conception. Basically, everyone is exposed to some degree of air pollution, impure water, modern diet (dairy products, refined food such as white flour, white rice, table salt and white sugar, pesticide-laced produces), chemically treated foods (MSG, aspartame, artificial colouring, preservatives) and a toxic environment (highly addictive food). On top of that, if your diet is lack fibre rich food such as fresh fruits and vegetables, slow elimination of toxic wastes may occur. Since our colon is highly absorbance, it reabsorbs the toxin from our intestinal wall into our bloodstream.
That is to say, constipation is the cause of self-intoxication. Emotional stress and lack of exercise prolong sluggish bowel movement.
By removing all the rubbish from our body follow by leading a healthy lifestyle, avoid electromagnetic radiation and positive thinking can definitely have a direct impact on the health of the baby.
It helps to increase the chance of fertility, possibly prevent all the above birth defects, miscarriage, stillbirth, low birth weight (<2.5kg), premature baby, and also help to strengthen the body against genetic allergies (asthma, eczema, sinus). After all, where do genes come from? All children have the right to be born healthy. What can these couples do to ensure their child has a healthy start in life?
5. Healthy Parents Leads to Enjoyable Pregnancy and Natural Vaginal Birth
Healthy women, in general, have a more enjoyable pregnancy with less complication, less physical discomfort such as morning sickness (due to toxin in our body) during an early stage of pregnancy, lower chance of pregnancy-induced hypertension, fewer low-birth-weight infant, fewer incidents of premature birth, fewer incidences of preeclampsia.
6. Protect your Financial Health
Autism, ADHD, weak eyesight, allergies are among some of the most common health problems in young children. Medical treatment and support services on birth defects become a tremendous financial burden to the family and Not to mention the emotional distress to the child and everyone else in the family have to suffer.
Preconception Cleansing or Detoxification is just like spring cleaning the house of our bodies, remove heavy metals, black, gluey, rubbery encrustations that build up over the years from small and large intestines, allow effective absorption of nutrients from our small intestine into our bloodstream, helps our body to get rid of poisons and to restore nutritional, hormonal and metabolic balance in the body. The body can then activate its self-repairing and self-healing properties. Detoxification takes place when the “burden” (toxin and sick cells) in the body has been eliminated through our skin, lungs, kidneys and bowels. Our body starts to rebuild itself with the supply of health-building essential nutrients to meet the needs of the starving cells and tissue. You can even continue to overhaul your body with a gallstone flush.
Although we as parents or parents-to-be cannot avoid all the unforeseen outcome, it is the consciousness of the women and men who are responsible in their creation of a healthy seed of love; and invest in their own physical, mental and spiritual health before conception as well as during pregnancy. Such consciousness prepares parents-to-be for positive parenting in the future.