Labour Tools Active Birth Class
Advanced childbirth class to train your husband to be your Birth Doula. This is a skill-based hands-on technique used in labour for comfort
You and your partner will learn how to enjoy your birth in the following area:
- Labour coping tools and techniques with Selendang, Birth Ball and other Birthing Tools
- Troubleshooting for labour progress. Identify baby’s position, signs that require repositioning.
- Provide space in the pelvis to assist the baby to rotate into an optimal labour and birth position
- Various maternal labour and birth positions for an easier and more effective birth
- Partner massage, and acupressure points to enhance relaxation-promote body’s production of endorphins and oxytocin to speed up labour
- Body alignment techniques to balance the muscles and ligaments in the pelvis as a quick fix in labour.
Venue: The Mind Sanctuary 10 Winstedt Rd #01-04 Singapore 227977
Class Date: Click Antenatal birth classes
For inquiry, email