Mental Imprint From Birth

When I was preparing my previous article on Overlook Birth Trauma, immediately a thought emerged to invite an “Insider”- Ms Gladys Lee, a Certified Spiritual Rebirthing/Breathworker to uncover how human behave in relation to how we were born. Knowing that she has a hectic schedule but still I asked her to write an article in my blog and I was thrilled when she agreed to my invitation. Ms Gladys shares with us certain traits we can see in ourselves just how birth experience shapes our beliefs. Below is her article.

“Most of us started our life in a safe, warm and loving environment – our mother’s womb. For nine months, we were supplied with whatever we needed without us asking. Nothing was lacking, nothing was in excess. We were the happiest and safest beings on earth.

Then, one day, the walls around us started to close in, forcing us to worm through a tinny narrow canal. Our head was being squashed, our face squeezed and our shoulders compressed. Suddenly there was bright light, loud noises and extreme coldness.