Birthworkers in Singapore are putting this first ever Microbirth world screening together. Join us in this global screening and be the first to watch a 60 minutes feature length documentary reveal how medical intervention during childbirth could be damaging the long-term health of our children with consequences for all of humanity. This is an educational film that opens a new possibility improve health of a child when a crucial component is missing at birth.
“Scientists in the emerging field of microbiome and Epigenetics are starting to warn that routine use of intervention in childbirth could have a devastating impact on the immune systems of our children. Intervention like: used of synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin / Syntocinon) to induce or speed up labour, use of antibiotics (with antibiotic resistance being a serious threat to humanity in itself), C-section, and routine separation of mother and baby after birth preventing immediate skin-to-skin contact. And many mothers choose formula-feeding due to lack of support for breastfeeding could potentially risking the long-term health of our children. Through the lens of microscope, this feature length documentary looking at today’s medicalized approach to childbirth but seeing a whole new way…” Read more
For registration, please send your name(s), email and contact via the following method:Email: or SMS: 9863 7867 Adopt a Donation Tin from Kampung Senang and support Kampung Senang’s charity drive. Vegetarian Dinner Set $7 is available at the Eco Kitchen at Kg Senang. Please call 6749 8509 before 12pm on 14 October
Please add your attendance and share with your friends on Facebook.