Soo Downe, Professor of Midwifery Studies said in the film “If physiological birth, normal birth has this huge effect on mothers and babies, spiritual, emotional, psychological, social probably and if they also have this long term effect in terms auto-immune disease, non communicable disease, chronic disease not only for the current generation but potential generation to come, answering these questions about, what is about labour and birth that makes it difference is absolutely Fundamental and Crucial and Urgent”
Childbirth illnesses such as asthma, Type-1 diabetes, obesity and other health conditions are rising. “Scientists in the emerging field of microbiome and Epigenetics are starting to warn that routine use of intervention in childbirth could have a devastating impact on the immune systems of our children. Intervention like: used of synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin / Syntocinon) to induce or speed up labour, use of antibiotics, c-section, separation of mothers and babies preventing breastfeeding could potentially risking the long-term health of our children.
As “MICROBIRTH” shows, the latest science is indicating that these interventions are affecting the development of a baby’s immune system. The result is the immune system may not develop to its full potential. It is “incomplete”, leaving the baby’s defense system compromised, weak and open to attack.
The purpose of this session is to raise awareness of how a birth procedure has a direct impact on the health of the child life long and possibility of avoiding a cesarean section. Below is the outline of our program of the evening.
7.30pm-8.30pm: MicroBirth Screening-60 minutes documentary
This educational film revealing the microscopic event during childbirth that could possibly hold the key to the health of the child, a lifelong effect. It opens up a possibility to improve a child’s health from a missing component at birth.
8.35pm-9.10m: Flip Breech Baby to Avoid Caesarean
Fauziah Bte Abbas, Birth Doula, HypnoBirthing Practitioner, Massage Therapist will share tips with us on how to flip breech or transverse position babies. Read more on a successful breech turn at 38 weeks.
9.10pm-9.30pm: Q&A session (subject to change with/without prior notice)
This session is ideal for expectant couples, birth professional, yoga teachers, therapists and anyone who is interest to find out more on the causes and possible solutions.
This workshop is organised and presented by Birth Doulas and HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educators Kong Choon Yen and Fauziah Bte Abbas and supported by Om Vedic Heritage Centre.
Venue: Om Vedic Heritage Centre, 43 Tessenshon Rd, SG217661
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